Olympians, we’re back with our Jock Studio Kickstarter Campaign Week Two Update! Over the last week, we’ve crossed over 700% of our funding goal, and a total of over 4000 backers! We have lots of exciting news to share with you all, so please check it all out below!

New Bonus Goals

To start things off, last Friday, we hosted a poll to help us determine our next Bonus Goals for the campaign – we’ve received a total of 5213 votes, and taken into account all of your opinions alongside the feasibility of these goals. With that in mind, we’re happy to show off the next four Bonus Goals for the Kickstarter campaign:

We hope these new goals excite people as much as they did when we first showed them last week, and with your help, we can make them into a reality inside of Jock Studio!

Additional Reward Tiers

Next up, we’ve decided to add more slots into some of the limited tiers, specifically the Valedictorian Tier (75 new slots) and the Alumni Tier (50 new slots)! If these tiers were interesting to you, but you didn’t have time to participate in them before, now is your opportunity! Make sure and grab them before they’re gone!

We’d also like to let everyone know that we’ve officially closed applications for the Unity Developer position we posted – we’ve found a new developer, Sticmac, who will be assisting us! Thank you so much to everyone who applied, and feel free to apply again in the future should another position become available!

We’ve also got the results of the giveaway contest we hosted last week – congratulations to our three winners, who will be contacted via the emails they submitted:

  • Grand Prize – carbenchaos
  • Runner Ups – dongxian, dcsmall

Thank you to everyone who participated in the giveaway, and please stay tuned, as there will be one more giveaway, with an equally exciting prize, held next week on our weekly update!

Heart-Heart Event

Finally, we have an exciting new event available to everyone on our website – the Jock Studio Heart-Heart Event! During this event, you can complete the heart of your Jock Studio Favorite Pairing, whether it’s Ace with one of the Jocks, the Jocks together, or if you are a solo stan that’s an option too! Try it out below, and make sure and share your result on social media with the #JockStudio! We’d love to hear about why you chose the pair you did!

Play the #HeartHeartEvent here!
🌐 https://www.blitsgames.com/heart-heart-event/

Try the #JockStudio Heart Filter now on TikTok!
📱 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2gXSdy3/

You can either use the share to Twitter link on the web browser or download the image and post them on the following social media! Follow us on our SFW accounts and share these wholesome pairs and tag us using the #JockStudio #BLits

Follow us as well on our other platforms!

We hope that everyone enjoys this Heart-Heart event, as well as all the other updates we’ve shown today! Our Kickstarter Campaign has already done even better than we could have imagined, and we wouldn’t even be in this position if it wasn’t for all of you!

If you haven’t yet, please check out the full campaign page at the link below:


Thank you all again so much for your constant support, and we’ll be back with more fun and exciting events soon, so please stay tuned!

Lots of love,

~BLits Games

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