Fellow Olympians, it’s been almost two months since our last Jock Studio Development Update, and we want to thank everyone for their patience! We have a lot of exciting news and teasers to share, and we think everyone will be very excited by what we’ve been doing! Please read the following post for full details, as it contains information for all fans of Jock Studio!

Pledgemanager Closing Soon – Last Chance to Pledge!

First up, before we get into our Development Diary, we wanted to inform everyone about some exciting news – we are almost ready to begin physical merchandise production for everyone who is entitled to physical rewards as part of our Kickstarter Campaign!

As part of this, in order to know the final amount of goods we need to manufacture, we will be closing all physical merchandise reward orders in PledgeManager on July 1st, 2024, at Midnight EDT! That means you have just over two months left to either fill out your pledge information or become a late backer, so please, if you haven’t yet, make sure and do so right away, Olympians!

Most of this merchandise will not be available in the foreseeable future outside of this opportunity, so if you’re on the fence about any of it, please consider purchasing it now! Additionally, if you’d like to see any of the designs to help make a decision, you can check all of them out on our website, at the link below:


Make sure and take advantage of this last chance for bonus rewards, Olympians!

PS – All digital items, including a digital copy of Jock Studio, will remain available on PledgeManager after July 1st, 2024 at Midnight. Only physical merchandise will be unavailable after this point

PPS – Additionally, address changes for existing orders can still be made even after July 1st..



Development Diary 7 – Oracle Phone Apps, Background Art, and Animation Preview!

Next up, we’re going straight into our seventh development diary, with detailed reports on what the team has been up to since our last update in early March!

Part 1 – Jock Studio Budget Report

To kick off this Development Diary, we wanted to give everyone a quick report on our budget – as you all know, we were blown away by the amount of support that you all showed us during the Kickstarter campaign, blowing past our original funding goal by more than ten times the amount we had originally requested. Since then, we’ve also seen extremely generous support from our backers through PledgeManager, which gave plenty of people who missed the chance to pledge during the campaign the opportunity to buy exciting merchandise, the Jock Studio game, and more!

Now, it’s been about a year and a half since we began developing Jock Studio, starting with the first demo and Kickstarter, and continuing up through now with all of the new and exciting features, art and more, some of which will be previewed below! As of the time of writing, we have spent about 1/3 of our Kickstarter budget developing Jock Studio, and are doing our best to continue budgeting out towards the future to account for all other Jock Studio expenses. Even now, we can tell that we will be likely spending even more than our Kickstarter earnings to develop Jock Studio in full, so we again want to thank everyone for their continued support, as any purchases made from BLits or PledgeManager helps us to make sure Jock Studio is the best BL game on the market when it arrives!

That’s all for our budget update, but you can expect more information like this in future updates! Thank you again for your support, and let’s dive into the fun stuff!

Part 2 – Oracle Phone Apps

Last update, we introduced everyone to the Oracle smartphone, as well as IO, your interactive oracle assistant! At that time, we mentioned that there would be quite a few apps on your phone to help guide you through the game, and today we’re ready to show you some of them!

However, we thought it’d be best to let someone even more familiar with them than us show off what’s new, so we’ll let IO, with his fresh sprite artwork sketch, do the explanation! You can see the fully compiled video below, but if you prefer to see it in parts, the individual app videos are below, too!

Below you can see individual videos for each of the three apps:

The Health App showcases Ace’s Energy, Hunger and Status Conditions, as well as his Stat growth throughout the game!

The Contacts App shows you basic information about everyone Ace has met around the campus as well as his affection level with them, and their individual stats. Over time, more information, such as likes and dislikes, will be added to the app as Ace gets to know the other characters. Finally, handy shortcut buttons take you to the character’s schedules, galleries and more!

Finally, the Academia App allows you to check on Ace’s grades and classes and see how he’s stacking up for the semester – make sure to pay attention to your GPA, attend your classes, and take the time to study or Ace could find himself in a pinch!

As you can see, there’s lots of detail in each of these apps, and plenty to explore as you play Jock Studio! The Health, Contacts and Academia apps are just the first of many, and we’ll have more IO-led showcases in the future, so please stay tuned!

Part 3 – New Background Artist, Campus Map Renders & New Locations!

Next up, we’re excited to announce that our background department has expanded again with a new addition to our concept and 3D rendering team, Sana! Some of you might recall our earlier previews of the Campus Map and all of the buildings included on it. Back then, they were in their pre-rendered state, but with the help of Sana and our background team, we’ve been able to detail them up! Check out the below 3D Concepts of the Aquatic Center, Messhall, and Gymnasium!

These beautiful buildings will be yours to explore when Jock Studio releases, but for now let’s take a close-up look of some of the newly painted backgrounds, completed by Kyun and Monacodingo!

Above, you can see previews of the Outdoor Pool, Entrance Gate, Dionysus God House and Private Lockers – some of these have been previewed in 3D rendered states before, but we’re happy to showcase them in their painted states now!

That’s all for backgrounds this update, but please welcome Sana to the team! There’s also one more preview for this update…

Part 4 – Animation Teaser Preview

Finally, we have one last preview to show everyone, and it’s something our art and animation departments have been hard at work at…

What could this new Leo model be used for? Just think of all the possibilities in Jock Studio for this new feature – we have lots to say about it, but that’s for another update. For now, let us know in the comments what you think!

Closing Word

That’s all for now, Olympians, but we hope that everyone enjoyed this development preview for Jock Studio! We’ve been hard at work the last two months, and there’s much more to show, but we’ll hold the rest of it for a later update!

Speaking of, our next update will be in late May, so please stay tuned until then! In the meantime, don’t forget to check out PledgeManager before time is up!

Thank you again as always for your support, Olympians!

Lots of love,

~BLits Games

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