Hey, buddies! With the final version of Camp Buddy released, we know lots of people have been wondering about the status of translations – we’re happy to report that, as of this post, we’ll be opening up applications for translators to assist us in translating Camp Buddy to the following languages:

  • French
  • Chinese
  • German
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Japanese

With this in mind, we are currently seeking applicants for three different positions!

Important Note:

The genre of work is Gay/BL/Yaoi and NSFW (R-18+). We will not be accepting underaged applicants.


Translation Manager

We are looking for an experienced manager to assist us in guiding the translators and answering questions, as well as working directly with the core BLits team when concerns arrive. The job will consist of the following tasks:

  • Review translator applications and determine which ones are qualified and report the translators that are qualified to BLits for final approval
  • Oversee channels and remind departments to address pings (accounting, programming, executive decisions) but only when absolutely necessary.
  • Answer any questions from the translators that come up, and relay necessary decision making to admin channels
  • Discuss the work with translators and manage them on discord
  • Ensure quality of translation by coordinating between primary translators and tester translators, and using proper judgment with your own English language skillset
  • Manage file handling in shared Dropbox with translators
  • Act as a mediator as the programmers and translators coordinate

The Translation Manager should have the following skillset as well:

  • Experience managing different people and departments
  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • Proficiency with the English language
  • Availability and willingness to work at a set schedule
  • Interest and Enthusiasm for Camp Buddy or BLits projects.


Translators/Translation Reviewers

We are also seeking individuals strongly proficient in the languages we have mentioned above, preferably native speakers, to assist us in translating the game. The job will consist of the following tasks:

  • Translate Camp Buddy scripts and assets from English into the relevant language
  • Work with team members to ensure translation is correct and proper in the language being spoken
  • Check all existing scripts once they have been translated to ensure proper translation

Translators should have the following skillsets:

  • Excellent Communication skills
  • Proficiency with the English Language
  • Proficiency with a language we are seeking to translate the game to (Preferably Native speakers)
  • Availability and willingness to work at a set schedule
  • Interest and Enthusiasm for Camp Buddy or BLits projects.

You can submit an application right here on our website, at the link below! Please note that due to the high number of applications it may be a while before we respond, but please be patient with us! We will be sure to inform everyone, whether they are qualified and/or considered for the position or not!


Thanks buddies! We’re looking forward to working with you!

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